Sunday, June 20, 2010

I have brown hair, pale skin, and brown eyes w/ green in them wat r make-up tips?

I think you should wear shades of brown eyeshadow with pink lipgloss. Don't forget dark brown mascara and brown eyeliner!

I have brown hair, pale skin, and brown eyes w/ green in them wat r make-up tips?

Haha im the same as you i hope i find an answer the only thing different is i have fair skin

I have brown hair, pale skin, and brown eyes w/ green in them wat r make-up tips?

well since it the Beginning of winter wear something a little lighter since your hair is darker. Wear winter colors in the eyes, like purple or maybe a light blue, and a soft pink for the cheeks.

I have brown hair, pale skin, and brown eyes w/ green in them wat r make-up tips?

well the bronze colors are good they will bring the green out in your eyes. if you want very natural peachy colors go with your skin tone and it makes the make up look natural if you want a dramatic look put a brownish eyeliner and put a coat of mascara

I have brown hair, pale skin, and brown eyes w/ green in them wat r make-up tips?

smokey eyes will look gorgeous on you!

smokey eye tips and directions:

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