Saturday, November 21, 2009

I am in 8th grade, and I need tips for picture day!?

I am 12, turning 13 in Sept. Picture day is tomorrow, and I need some make-up and hair tips! I have fair skin, light/golden blonde hair that is wavy. My eyes are blue/green(they change color), and I ALWAYS wear mascara, so any tips? Unfortunately, I have a small blemish on my nose, so I need some sort of concealer too! Thanks!%26lt;3

I am in 8th grade, and I need tips for picture day!?

Go to school with a sword....and commit Harikiri(some may know it as Harry karry) for the photo..

I am in 8th grade, and I need tips for picture day!?

Wear a Pink or Light blue blouse. Some black pants or skirt. It will work out nice.

Make your hair curly, also don't wear too much make up. Mascara is ok.

I am in 8th grade, and I need tips for picture day!?

ok, where a blue, greenm or hot pink shirt. Wear some mascara, black eyeliner, have your hair out, like down the middle, let it poof up and all, have some gloss not lip gloss cause then it'll make your teeth yellow, just some chapstick thats glossy'll be good.Then wash your face before you put on the make up, and put cover up on your zit then some powder, good luck and smile ! ;D

I am in 8th grade, and I need tips for picture day!?

k, my picture day was monday and I also am 12 turnin 13 in sept. and I have blue/green eyes. lol.. which is freaky.. but I know how to help ya from personal experience.. anyways..

~put on your foundation

~then put ur concealer onto ur nose ( this step could also be done at the end if u would like)

~brush a light coat of just shimmery light brown eyeshadow all over your face

~use a blue eyeshadow but not so light that it looks silver

~put on your mascara

~if u usually wear eyeliner.. then wear it and use black

~then put on some chapstick or lip gloss which eve u prefer

I am in 8th grade, and I need tips for picture day!?

curl and comb it alittle bit. your hair and wear it out put make up that matches your color. also keep the mascara put blushes on your cheeks. buy clean and clear.

I am in 8th grade, and I need tips for picture day!?

all you need is a little concealer on that noise, and some mascara and lipgloss, maybe a little eyeliner and a compact matching your skin tone, wear something colorful,

figure if you look better with your hair up or down, once you applay the mascara and eyeliner

I am in 8th grade, and I need tips for picture day!?

wear cute baby blue color shirt and part your hair on the side....i think you are too young for make up but you can put on a tiny bit of lip gloss to add some shine...

I am in 8th grade, and I need tips for picture day!?

Just remember that when you're applying makeup it's suppose to look like you're not wearing any. Don't fall for all the tips in magazines, they will print anything to get you to buy them %26amp; they have to keep coming up with new things all the time. I know you didn't mention mags, but given your age just thought you might look into one. Just remember to keep it subtle. My eyes are blue/green %26amp; change colors too. :-)

I am in 8th grade, and I need tips for picture day!?

Picture Day Tips:

* Put on your make-up like you normally would - your school picture is supposed to look like you do, so don't put on way too much make-up because it may look scary.

* Get some concealer for the blemish on your nose - one that perfectly matches your skin tone. When it is dry, brush over some powder that matches your skin color, also, for more coverage. If you are afraid your concealer will come off, some schools have options for digital touch-up where they remove blemishes digitally for clearer skin.

* I would put your hair down - you can't look back at a school picture and think putting your hair down was a bad choice, unlike when people do ponytails where you can barely see your hair or crazy updos that are so outdated.

Also, always make sure to do a last-minute beauty check before you take your picture - never take your picture without looking in a mirror to fix your hair and make-up first!

Good luck!

I am in 8th grade, and I need tips for picture day!?

4 the blemish try true blend. if u want ur eyes to stand out try white eye liner on the inner bottom eyelid for the top inner eyelid try black eyeliner and black mascara. just put some gel, hairspray and blow dry. Don't ever wear pink and blue/green make up u'll look like a clown.ha ha ha.Try as natural as possible if u're pale try some blush.Don't over do it keep in mind that you're only 12.

I am in 8th grade, and I need tips for picture day!?

Get the neutrogena conceiler and then put a powerd blush on top. For your makeup, if you want to go for dramatic (which is what i'm best at) then do a smokey or green eye. Try for very rich colors, that will bring the attention to the eye. with an eyeshadow brush, apply it to the top lid, then put black eyeliner on the bottom lid, mostly to the tear duct. you don't want the eyeliner physically touching your eyeball. Over that, put the eyeshadow. If you have green eyes that day, a dark green would look great, and if they're blue, then do a golden brown, or royal blue. for the lips, just to a gloss.

For your hair, try to scrunch it.

Good Luck, hope it turns out well.

I am in 8th grade, and I need tips for picture day!?

well DONT put your hair in a pony-tale!!!!!!, BAD EXPERIENCE. try to have your hair down. a light pink, shimmery lipgloss works on EVERYONE, use. if your hair is brown, then use earth tones (eyeshadow), they work for brunettes. if your a blonde, go for pinks. use eyeliner and maskara.

clothes- dont use something that is too dressy, otherwise, you end up looking wierd. wear something normal but something that flatters you

well i hope that worked, at least for a little bit, lol well GOOD LUCK WITH PICTURES!!

I am in 8th grade, and I need tips for picture day!?

there's a few things about make up that everyone should know and this is one of those few things:

making something light makes it more obvious, and making something darker makes is less obvious (like a shadow).

if you put concealer (which is lighter than your skin tone) on a blemish, it will actually highlight the blemish and make it look more obvious. (highlighters are light, bright colors).

if you want to make a blemish less visable, you need to put foundation and powder over it to make it blend into the rest of your skin tone. the most important part is having foundation (or any kind of make-up) that matches your skin tone. always blend well! also, if this is your school picture, you want to look like you, don't choose a real crazy eye shadow color (go with none or a neutral shade...light pink, light tans etc if any) and stick with lip balm or chapstick on the lips

i have blonde hair and blue eyes too...if you want to highlight your eyes, you could wear blue and white, you'd also look good in pink even if you have fair skin.

on picture day i put some hair product in my purse just in case it was humid and my hair got poofy...i've never really needed it, but a brush can be handy too

I am in 8th grade, and I need tips for picture day!?

wear your hair down and make sure it looks neat or u can do a messy half ponytail and wear a light color eyeshadow (NOT DARK) and use mascara jsut conceal ur blemish like u normally would cus it prolly won't show up and if ur really pale then pinch the apples or ur cheeks at least 5 min before ur pic and smile!!

I am in 8th grade, and I need tips for picture day!?

School portrait photographers usually use film/digital settings to minimize redness (because kids often have redness issues, like pimples) so don't worry so much about your nose. Use just a little concealer on it.

You are young, so you probably don't really need a lot of make up. I would say, just make sure you have two things: a shine reducing translucent powder and lip gloss. Right before your shoot, use a mirror. Make your hair orderly (just make sure no hair is sticking up in a crazy way. Wavy hair is actually a lot more photogenic on most people than stick straight hair.) powder your face, get your forehead, nose and chin for sure to reduce shine, and then use the lipgloss so your lips do shine. Check your clothes to make sure there's no lint, that your neckline/collar looks nice. Then relax, and smile. Keep your shoulders down, your back straight. Listen to the photographer -- they want a nice picture for you as much as you do.

I am in 8th grade, and I need tips for picture day!?

For your hair, if it's wavy, you could just leave it down. Naturally wavy hair is always pretty. For makeup...

For your concealer, try a liquid concealer with a wand. For your eyes, use purple, blue, or green eyeshadow, black or white eyeliner, whichever looks better, and your mascara, as always. I hope this helps you out. :)%26lt;33

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